The Truths

Truths I cannot speak out loud yet

I was raped

Consecutively, constantly

For three long years

Of psychological agony

I gave in to his manipulation

Because it felt good

To be loved and treated specially

And to have orgasms

Even if I squeezed a pillow

Over my face

To block out reality

And enjoy the sensations


Truths my brain cannot yet embrace

It was not my fault… any of it


“It was partially your fault

You willingly went back to him

Every time he was there…”

You were manipulated


“You weren’t even that young

You knew the difference

Between right and wrong

And this was definitely


You were a child and a human

Not only

Were you in a vulnerable stage of development

But also

Your body responded naturally


“You still willingly went to him

You had free will and you complied

You just wanted pleasure, you gluttonous pig…”


Truths I know in my heart

I am loved

I have value on this earth

I am valuable to humanity

I’m trying my best

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